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57AB558-F: Abalone Flat Square 14mm 1 STRD

$4362 $7270

Abalone Flat Square 14mm APPROXIMATELY 26-29 Pieces per Strand

Showroom Location

Showroom Aisle 01K

Additional Information

Detailed Description: Abalone AKA Paua Shell is one of the ocean's most radiant gems. Paua is a particularly stunning species of Abalone (Haliotis iris) found along the coast of New Zealand. Abalone shells are dark and dull on the outer surface, but the inside nacre displays a miraculous play of light and color. The hypnotically undulating colors within the shell exhibit an iridescent shimmer comparable to opal. These Abalone shell beads are coated in a protective lacquer that also enhances the sheen of the bead. The color and pattern of each Abalone is totally unique and will vary between bead to bead.