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$047 $135

TC510M-WBA: TierraCast Bead Letter M Antiqued White Bronze - 1 Piece

Showroom Location

Showroom Aisle 05R

Additional Information

Detailed Description:

Measures 6x7mm.
Horizontal Hole
MadeÊin the United States
TierraCast's all new alternative to their now discontinued Rhodium plate. White Bronze Finish exceeds our wildest hopes.
Here is how it compares:Ê
¥ÊLess expensive than Rhodium

¥ÊTarnish resistant and durable and actually, wear tests showed that the White Bronze plate wore equal to our Rhodium plate.

¥ÊLooks virtually the same so can be used side by side with Rhodium We conducted blind tests and could not detect any visible difference between the two finishes.

¥ÊAs with Rhodium, this finish does notÊcurrently pass the EU Nickel wear standards.

What is White Bronze?
White Bronze is not really bronze. It is a tri-metal alloy of tin, copper and zinc. Initially the chemical plating processes of white bronze were difficult to control, but over the past two decades techniques have improved and whiteÊbronze has become a consistent, high performing and economically attractive alloy option.Ê

Article Number: 94-510M-71

Brand: TierraCast