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MS76: Deluxe Diamond Coated Bead Reamer Set

$1694 $2420

Deluxe Diamond Coated Bead Reamer Set

Showroom Location

Showroom Aisle 11G

Additional Information

Detailed Description: The Diamond Bead Reamer Set exclusively from EURO TOOL features three points and a 4.5 inch hollow handle in which to store them. You'll find the Diamond Bead Reamer set to be versatile, easier to use, and trouble free. Made in the USA. Features include: *Three diamond coated tips: small, large, and 45 degree edge reamer. * Easy release chuck, friction fitted into the aluminum housing which releases instantly when the collet is unscrewed. *Anodized aluminum handle; and rust proof brass chuck. Always use water as a lubricant when working with diamond coated files.