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12RH812-H: Preciosa Viva Ss12 Crystal Labrador H/Fix-288PC

$1860 $2480

12RH812-H: Preciosa Viva SS12 - 3-3.2mm Crystal Labrador Hotfix - 288 Pieces

Showroom Location

Showroom Aisle 07V

Additional Information

Detailed Description: Preciosa's Hotfix Stones feature a special low-melting-point adhesive. Their unique Aero-Bubble structure guarantees easy and delicate application on wide variety of materials. All our Hot fix Stones have a special grey interlayer that ensures better adhesion, thereby prolonging their durability in applications even on modern elastic fabrics.

Article Number: 498 11 612 Ss12 Hf Crys LAB rador Hot Fix

Brand: Preciosa Genuine Czech Crystal