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FI279-12: Needle Glover John James #12 L3910-12 25PC


John James Glover Beading Needles - Size #12 - Sold in 25 Piece Envelopes

Length: 32.5mm/1.25inches

Diameter: 0.36mm/0.014 inches



Showroom Location

Showroom Aisle 01F

Additional Information

Detailed Description: Best for leather!
John James needles are high quality and one of our most popular beading needle options. Glover's Needles are sturdy and have a three sided or triangular point. They're great for sewing directly onto natural or synthetic suede or leather. Size #12 is suitable for size 12/0 and larger seed beads. Size #10 is suitable for size 10/0, 11/0 or larger seed beads. Size #8 is a thicker than #10 and will work great for size 8/0, 6/0, and larger.

Brand: John James